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  • Journal paper
    Entry YearPublicationAuthor
    20172017,15,12,pp41-55 (Others)Hsien-Sen Lin
    20172017,147,pp48-55 (Others)Hsien-Sen Lin
    20172017,62,pp1-22 (THCI core)Kun-Chiang Chang
    20172017,A Preliminary Investigation to Niccolò Longobardo’s Account on China: Translations, Margin-text Chinese Scripts and Annotations,UNIVERSITAS:MONTHLY REVIEW OF PHILOSOPHY AND CULTURE,522,pp23-44 (AHCI)Feng-Chuan Pan
    20172017,270,pp86-96Husan-Lei Shao
    20172017,24,pp206-214 (TSSCI)Michiaki Fujii
    20172017,2,pp178-192 (Others)Michiaki Fujii
    20172017,62,2,pp1-30 (Others)Michiaki Fujii
    2017Feng-Chuan PAN, Ryh-shin Jiang,2017,The Early Jesuits and the Translation of Daodejing The Trigrammaton Yi-Hi-Wei and the Trinity in Prémare, Noëlas and Cibo ,Journal of Chinese Studies, CUHK,65,pp249-284 (THCI core)Feng-Chuan Pan
    20172017,51,4,pp136-141 (Others)Hsien-Sen Lin


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