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    Selected book
    Entry YearSelected book categoryDate of publication專書內容Author
    2020(Book Chapter)2020/00/00,2020/00Feng-Chuan Pan
    2020(Book Chapter)2019/00/00,2019/00Kun-Chiang Chang
    2019(Book Chapter)2019/07/01CHINESE STUDIES IN MALAYSIA IN SINGAPORE IN GLOBAL CONTEXT,9787030619167,2019/07Pi-Chun Chang
    2019(Book Chapter)2019/03/01,Cambridge Scholars Publishing ,978-1-5275-1608-3,2019/03Pi-Chun Chang
    2019(Book Chapter)2019/00/00,978-986-5443-13-9,2019/00Hsien-Sen Lin
    2018(Book Chapter)2018/08/00,978-986-05-6637-6,2018/08Feng-Chuan Pan
    2018(Book Chapter)2018/00/00,2018/00Kun-Chiang Chang
    2017(Book Chapter)2017/08/00 Leibniz and the European Encounter with China: 300 Years of Discours sur la théologie naturelle des Chinois. Studia Leibnitiana – Sonderhefte, Bd. 52, pp.105-128,Franz Steiner Verlag,Stuttgart,, Germany,ISBN 978-3-515-11733-3,2017/08Feng-Chuan Pan
    2017(Book)2017/07/00,2017/07Chao-Yang Pan
    2017 2017/06/00,978-89-94844-49-7,2017/06En-Mei Chin
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