


    Undergraduate program

    Credits Needed for Graduation: B.A. Program

    1. Complete 128 credits as following:

     (1) Common courses offered by NTNU: 28 credits

     (2) Required courses offered by DEAS B.A. program: 24 credits

     (3) Elective courses offered by DEAS B.A. program: 45 credits

          Credits Needed for Graduation: B.A. Program

    Common Courses

     offered by NTNU

    Required Courses

    Elective Courses

    Free Electives

    Minimum Credit Requirement

    28 credits

    24 credits

    45 credits

    15 Courses


    31 credits


    128 credits

    Major group

    at least 11 Courses

    Minor group

    at least 4 Courses

    MajorMinor 114

    NOTEB.A. students should choose from eithergroup ACulture and Its Application 

                or group BPolitics, Economics and Regional Development to be their main group. 

                Once the main group is decided, the other one would be the minor group.

    (4) Free credits: 31 credits

    2. Course Structure


    Group ACulture and Its Application

    Group BPolitics, Economics and Regional Development


    Freshman Year <


    Required Course

    Elective Course

    Group A

    Group B

    1st Sem.

    Regional Culture of Northeast Asia (3)

    Political Science (3)

    Critical Thinking and Writing (3)

    Comparison of Chinese and Japanese Culture (3)

    Creative City and Marketing (3)

    Modernization and Development of East (3)

    Taiwanese Politics and Economy (3)

    Social Change in East Asia (3)

    American Foreign Policy (3)

    Statistics (3)

    An Introduction to Globalizing Politics and Economy (3)

    East Asia Political-Economical Simulation and Theory (3)

    Democratization in East Asia (3)

    East Asia Political-Economical Simulation and Game Theory (3)

    2nd Sem.

    Cultural Heritage in East Asia (3)

    Principle of Economics (3)

    East-West Cultural Encounter (3)

    Origins and Developments of Chinese Thoughts (3)

    East Asian Confucianism and Its Modern Challenges (3)

    Contemporary East Asian Cinemas (3)

    Politics and Economy in Japan (3)

    Introduction to International Relations (3)

    Modern Diplomatic History (3)



    Free Electives (Language courses)


    1st Sem.

    Elementary Korean (I) (2)

    Elementary Japanese (I) (2)


    2nd Sem.

    Elementary Korean (II) (2)

    Elementary Japanese(II) (2)



    Sophomore Year <Pre-intermediate> 


    Required Course

    Elective Course

    Group A

    Group B

    1st Sem.

    East Asian Perspectives on Dialogue between Traditions and Modernity (3)

    International Politics (3)

    Introduction to East Asian Religions (3)

    Introduction to East Asian Literature (3)

    Introduction to Cultural Theory (3)

    Management and Promotion for Cultural Creative Industry (3)

    Micro-Economics (3)

    Post WWII Japanese diplomacy and defense policy (3)

    Taiwan Policy of China and Cross Strait Relations (3)

    Economic Power and Foreign Policy (3)

    Introduction to International Organizations (3)

    The Rule of Law and Human Rights: National, Transnational, and Global Perspectives (3)

    International Trade Theory and Practice (3)

    2nd Sem.

    Regional Culture of Southeast Asia (3)

    Statistical Methods in Social Sciences (3)

    History of Northeast Asia Cultural Spirit (3)

    East Asian Zen Buddhist Culture (3)

    Korean History and Historical Figures (3)

    Introduction to Cultural Industry (3)

    Macroeconomics (3)

    Theories and Practices in Regional Studies (3)

    Comparative Government and Politics: An Introduction (3)

    Political Party and Election in Taiwan (3)



    Free Electives (Language courses)


    1st Sem.

    Intermediate Korean (I) (2)

    Intermediate Japanese (I) (2)


    2nd Sem.

    Intermediate Korean (II) (2)

    Intermediate Japanese(II) (2)



    Junior Year <Advanced>


    Required Course

    Elective Course

    Group A

    Group B

    1st Sem.


    Chinese Thinkers and Thoughts since the Beginning of the Republic (3)

    The history and personages of Japan (3)

    *Immigration and Culture in East Asia (3, BA/MA)

    *Confucianism and Globalizing Political-Economic Context (3, BA/MA)

    *Theory and Practice for Cultural Tourism (3, BA/MA)

    East Asian Cities and Cultures in Literature and Films (3)

    Political Economy in Korean Peninsula (3)

    International Relation and Security in the East Asian Region (3)

    Operation of Taiwanese Enterprises in East Asia (3)

    Development of Chinese Politics and Economy (3)

    East Asia Political-Economical Simulation and Theory (3)

    2nd Sem.


    * Western Learning and Modern China (3, BA/MA)

    * Modern Culture in Southeast Asia (3, BA/MA)

    Southeast Asian Societal Development since Colonial Times (3)

    Independent Study Projects (I) (3)

    Global Governance(3)

    Politics and Economics in Southeast Asia (3)

    Multinational Corporation Management Strategies (3)

    Social Changes in Modern China (3)

    Programming Practice and Social Science Research (3)

    Independent Study Projects (I) (3)


    Senior Year <Advanced>


    Required Course

    Elective Course

    Group A

    Group B

    1st Sem.


    Practical Cultural Industry (3)

    * Digital Humanities (3, BA/MA)

    Independent Study Projects (II) (3)

    * The PRC’s Foreign Strategy (3, BA/MA)

    * Understanding South China Sea Disputes (3, BA/MA)

    Independent Study Projects (II) (3)

    2nd Sem.


    Comparative Literature: East and the West (3)

    New Media, Writing and Social Communication (3)

    Studies in Taiwan's Diplomacy (3)

    * Public International Law (3, BA/MA)

    * Constitutional Democracy and Rule of Law (3, BA/MA)


    Semester Information for B.A. Program
    Semester of Admission
    Application Deadline for Admission
    Beginning of Semester
    End of Semester
    Around March 15
    Winter vacation:
    January ~ February
    Around October 31
    Summer vacation:
    End of June ~
    Early September
    Deadline/dates may vary from year to year, therefore please refer to the Admission Prospectus for the latest updates.


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    About Us

    In 2006, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) and National University Preparatory School for Overseas Chinese Students merged to establish the College of International Studies and Education for Overseas Chi...

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