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    Participated event / services
    CategoryEvent titleTopicParticipant
    (Conference)The Spatial Analysis WorkshopRound Table / PanelistChang-Ping Lin
    (Seminar)國立臺灣師範大學東亞學系東亞學術沙龍政經版圖與空間分析Chang-Ping Lin
    (Seminar)國立台中科技大學財務金融學系專題演講空間訊息、選舉研究與金融區位分析Chang-Ping Lin
    (Seminar)中研院政治所專題演講The Spatial Signals Approach and the U. S. Congressional ElectionsChang-Ping Lin
    (Seminar) Husan-Lei Shao
    (Seminar)台北大學企管系專題演講金融自由化,政治民主化與所得分配Chang-Ping Lin
      Hung-Chang Kuan
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