Decorative image
Personal imageFeng-Chuan Pan
Wed. 10:00-12:00
Thur. 12:00-13:00, 16:30-17:30
Reference website of individual publicationPlease click herePlease click here
Job titleProfessor
DisciplineUndergraduate program:Introduction to Chinese Culture, East-West Cultural Encounter, Western Learning and Modern China, Modern East Asian Thought : Selected Readings, Introduction to European and American Sinology,
Master program:Research Methods in Sinology, Special Topics on European and American Sinology,
Research expertiseSino-Western Cultural Exchange, The Jesuits in China, Chinese Studies in the West, Translations of Chinese Classics, Religious Dialogue
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  1. Dissertation
  2. Others
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  1. Undergraduate program (Compulsory)
  2. Undergraduate program (Electives)
  3. Master program (Compulsory)
  4. Master program (Electives)


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In 2006, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) and National University Preparatory School for Overseas Chinese Students merged to establish the College of International Studies and Education for Overseas Chi...

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