
Academic Performance

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  • Journal paper
    Entry YearPublicationAuthor
    20162015,55,pp101-124 (Others)Husan-Lei Shao
    2016〈唐君毅對1949年變局的文化省思〉,《鵝湖》,497,pp39-48Yuan-Ling Hu
    201660,1,pp71-92 (Others)Yi-Ting Zheng
    20152015,7,2,pp1-28Bo-Wei Chiang
    20152015,〈楊應詔《閩南道學源流》的文獻價值及其與《宋元學案》之比較〉,《書目季刊》,49:3,pp43-56Yuan-Ling Hu
    20152015,13,1,pp42-58Husan-Lei Shao
    20152015,127,pp38-45 (Others)Hsien-Sen Lin
    20152015,54,3,pp127-143 (TSSCI)Husan-Lei Shao
    20152015,42,9,pp69-91 (AHCI)Kun-Chiang Chang
    20152015,51,pp73-92 (Others)Hung-Chang Kuan


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