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  • Journal paper
    Entry YearPublicationAuthor
    20032003,第五十六期,pp10-13Bo-Wei Chiang
    20032003,第五十三期,pp15-31Bo-Wei Chiang
    2003Mei-Hsiu Wang,2003,A Discussion on the Meaning of the Literary Resource in Luoyang Qielanji ,Bulletin of Chinese,33,pp189-203 (THCI core)Mei-Hsiu Wang
    2003Mei-Hsiu Wang,2003,From Questioning History to Fighting for the Right of Interpretation: According to the Historical Discourse of Luoyang Qielanji , Bulletin of the Department of Chinese Literature N.T.U.,18,pp139-161 (THCI core)Mei-Hsiu Wang
    20032003,第58期,pp143-179Kun-Chiang Chang
    20032003,第十三、十四期 臺北:都市設計學會,pp177-243Bo-Wei Chiang
    20032003,第十五卷,第一期,pp1-57Bo-Wei Chiang
    2002Mei-Hsiu Wang,2002,Journal of General Education ,4,pp9-33Mei-Hsiu Wang
    20022002,〈試論佛教「四依」的多重意義〉,第8卷,第2期,pp185-195Yuan-Ling Hu
    20022002,第104期,pp34-49Michiaki Fujii


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