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  • Journal paper
    Entry YearPublicationAuthor
    2012pp455-480Bo-Wei Chiang
    2012〈人性何以是善?——梁漱溟在《人心與人生》一書中的論證〉,pp141-169Yuan-Ling Hu
    2011CL Tien, HJ Chiu, CN Chen,2011,Can Firm Size and Firm Age Moderate Firm Behavioral Momentum?,Chiao Da Management Review,31,2,pp101-126 (TSSCI)Chengli Tien
    2011Mei-hsiu Wang,2011,Displacement, Distinction and Metaphor: On the Diaspora Discourse of Lu Sidao's "Ting chan ming pian" ,Bulletin of Chinese,50,pp177-208 (THCI core)Mei-Hsiu Wang
    20112011,100期,pp5-8Husan-Lei Shao
    20112011,174期,pp185-257Bo-Wei Chiang
    20112011,pp131-174Bo-Wei Chiang
    20112011,36,pp171-220 (THCI core)En-Mei Chin
    2011張崑將,2011,〈朝鮮使臣對「不辱君命」的解釋與應對〉,《域外漢籍研究研究集刊》,7,pp15-35Kun-Chiang Chang
    2011張崑將,2011,〈明治時期基督教徒的武士道論之類型與內涵〉,《臺大文史哲學報》,75,pp173-208 (THCI core)Kun-Chiang Chang


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