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  • Journal paper
    Entry YearPublicationAuthor
    20122012,總530期,pp92-96Bo-Wei Chiang
    20122012,103,pp15-16 (Others)Husan-Lei Shao
    20122012,6,3,pp1-21 (Others)Husan-Lei Shao
    20122012,55,3,pp85-106 (TSSCI)Husan-Lei Shao
    20122012,51,3,pp23-54 (TSSCI)Husan-Lei Shao
    20122012,〈朱子學中的乾道精神〉 ,第38卷,第2期,pp30-44 (Others)Yuan-Ling Hu
    2012CL Tien, CN Chen,2012,Myth or Reality? Assessing the Moderating Role of CEO Compensation on the Momentum of Innovation in R&D,International Journal of Human Resource Management,23,13,pp2763-2784 (SSCI)Chengli Tien
    20122012,The Estimation of a Hybrid Model on Political Geography: The “Regional Effect”of County Magistrate Elections in Taiwan from 1989 to 2009,Journal of Social Sciences and Philosophy,24,2,pp121-163 (TSSCI)Chang-Ping Lin
    20122012,第19期,pp37-71 (Others)Mei-Hsiu Wang
    20122012,〈經典文獻「多元化」的研究——從幾個疑經辨偽的例子說起〉 ,第46卷,第1期,pp1-14 (Others)Yuan-Ling Hu


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