
Academic Performance

Yearto Year

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  • Journal paper
    Entry YearPublicationAuthor
    201347,1,pp1-7Hsien-Sen Lin
    2013Pi-Chun Chang
    2013第九卷,第一期,pp157-194 (TSSCI)Bo-Wei Chiang
    201346,pp47-86 (TSSCI)Bo-Wei Chiang
    20122012,3,pp335-359 (Others)Husan-Lei Shao
    20122012,An Analysis of Labor Dispatch Social Policy in Japan from the Perspective of Labor Protection,Social Policy & Social Work,16,2,pp141-190 (TSSCI)Chang-Ping Lin
    20122012,9,2, (THCI core)Kun-Chiang Chang
    20122012,〈梁漱溟的印度情懷〉 ,第38卷,第6期,pp23-37 (Others)Yuan-Ling Hu
    20122012,20,pp1-24Bo-Wei Chiang
    20122012,40,pp89-113Husan-Lei Shao


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