Selected book
Selected book categoryBook Chapter
Entry Year2017
Book Title Leibniz and the European Encounter with China: 300 Years of Discours sur la théologie naturelle des Chinois. Studia Leibnitiana – Sonderhefte, Bd. 52, pp.105-128
extracted chapters“Translating the Saint: Joseph de Prémare’s Figurist Torque of Chinese from Decem to Crucem,”
Date of publication2017-08-00
Main author Wen-Chao Li (ed.)
PublisherFranz Steiner Verlag
Location of publishingStuttgart,, Germany
Total number of pages295
Name of author (Chinese)Feng-Chuan Pan
Name of author (English)Feng-Chuan Pan
ISSN(ISBN)ISBN 978-3-515-11733-3
Reference URLhttp://www.steiner-verlag.de/reihe/view/titel/61289.html
Language usedEnglish
Associated project nameNSC102-2410-H-003-074-MY3


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