


Departmental self-evaluation

Downloads of departmental self-evaluation (2012)

Departmental self-evaluation slide presentations in PDF format

        13. Instructions for travelling to the Linkou Campus of National Taiwan Normal University:

            (1) Directions to the Linkou Campus
            (2) Linkou Campus Map



 【Course Map and Course Structure


 ◆Undergraduate study:

   (1) 2011 course map of the Department of East Asian Studies (Undergraduate)

   (2) 2011 course structure of the Department of East Asian Studies (Undergraduate)

   (3) Core skills of the Undergraduate Degree


 ◆Master’s Program:

   (1) 2011 course map of the Department of East Asian Studies (Master’s Program)

   (2) 2011 course structure of the Department of East Asian Studies (Master’s Program)

   (3) Core skills of the Master’s Degree



 【Relevant Websites for Departmental Evaluation


 (1) Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan

 (2) Departmental evaluation website of the Office of Research and Development

 (3) Evaluation Bimonthly
 (4) Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association

 (5) Center for Educational Research and Evaluation, NTNU

 (6) Higher Education Statistics
 (7) Administrative Evaluation System for Public and Private Universities under the Ministry of Education


Alumni Career Services

Survey 1Employer satisfaction


Survey 2Alumni destinations 


Survey 3Career Services needs

Data is currently being analyzed.

Career Plan 1Career Services Commission

  Please visit the University’s Office of Teacher Education and Career Services


Career Plan 2Rewards for passing national examinations


Career Lesson 1Employing teachers from industrial circles


Career Lesson 2Employability courses

website under construction

Career Counseling 1Career counseling services

website under construction


Career Counseling 2

UCAN (Career & Competency Assessment Network)


Career Counseling 3 Career test

website under construction

Career Services Project 1 Business visits


Career Services Project 2Employment info lecture




Career Services Project 3 National exam lecture


Career Services Project 4

Internships for university graduates


Career e-Info Service 1Career Master


Career e-Info Service 2Internship database


Campus Recruitment 1Employment/Study abroad fair



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