

PHD program
TitleApplication for International Students: Fall 2020 & Fall 2021
Contents      Application for International Students: Fall 2020 & Fa11 2021

Admission Prospectus for International Students Fall 2020&Fall 2021 【English version】

For any further information, please contact Office of International Affairs, NTNU:【中文】【English

PhD Program

Department of East Asian Studies
Degree Doctorate
Enrollment Semesters 2020 Fall
2021 Fall
Language of Instruction Program taught in English (* Program with enough English courses to meet graduation requirements)
Admission Evaluation
  • Document Review
  • Interview: In-person / Video-conferencing interview will be arranged.
  • Weighted Score:
    Document Review: 50%
    Interview: 50%
Required Qualification
  • Priority Enrollment Order for Examinees with the Same Score:
    First Priority: Interview.
    Second Priority: Document Review.
  • Applicants must meet either of the following qualifications:
    (1) Applicant must provide the English proficiency certificate: TOEFL iBT 71, TOEIC 750, IELTS 5.5, or other English proficiency certificate with a score equivalent to or higher above 71 in TOEFL-iBT。 (Applications without English proficiency certificate will not be accepted.)
    (2) Applicants who have been awarded a Taiwan Scholarship
Language Proficiency
  • Chinese Language Proficiency: Not Required
  • English Language Proficiency (Provide one of the following English score reports):
    TOFEL iBT - 71
    IELTS - 5.5
    TOEIC - 750
    or any other English Proficiency Certificate with a score equivalent to above items
    Application without the required English language proficiency certificate or scores above will not be accepted.
    Not required for applicants from English-speaking countries (proof required).
    Not required for applicants whose previous degree is from English-speaking countries (proof required).
Application Documents
  • Signed application form
    ※Please print out, sign the application forms, scan and upload it to the system.
  • Two-inch passport photo
  • Receipt or proof of application fee or a U.S. dollar wire transfer
  • Passport/Identification and R.O.C. Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) for those holding one
    ※If the applicant is of foreign nationality as specified in Article 2 under the MOE Regulations Regarding International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan and possesses (or has possessed) nationality status from the Republic of China (R.O.C.), additional proof is required, such as entry and departure records for the past 6 years, a declaration form stating that they do not hold a R.O.C. household registration, Certificate of Nationality Renouncement of Republic of China or other proof of documents.
  • An official financial statement
    ※a minimum of NTD 100,000 (or USD 3,000) is required. Please select one of the following ways of submission:
    (1)An official financial statement issued within the past three months from a financial institution.
    (2)If the financial statement provided is not under the name of the applicant, please submit (a) the sponsor’s financial statement (b) a financial guarantee from the sponsor
    (3)The proof showing the applicant have been awarded full scholarship.
  • Diploma of the highest academic degree
  • One translated copy of the applicant’s highest diploma in English or Chinese
  • One translated copy of the applicant’s complete transcripts (for ALL years of study) in English or Chinese
  • ※Eligible applicants who graduate at the same year as the admission to National Taiwan Normal University must submit transcripts for each academic semester and the ‘Deposition of Admission Documents for National Taiwan Normal University International Applicants’, and are not required to submit the diploma during application. The diploma and transcripts for each academic semester must be submitted upon registration (Diplomas or degree certificates from China are required to have the documents notarized by relevant authorities.); otherwise, the applicants admitted to NTNU will have their admission revoked.

    ※Applicants applying with diplomas or degree certificates from China are required to have the documents notarized by relevant authorities. If authentication cannot be completed by the application deadline, please submit degree certificate, complete transcript and a signed Deposition of Admission Documents.

    ※Admitted students must submit the original ones for review to the Office of International Affairs on the day of enrollment.

    ※NTNU holds the right to request applicants to have their degree certificate or diploma authenticated by the ROC diplomatic missions should NTNU find any problem in the applicants’ documents.

Departmental Requirements
  • Language proficiency certificate: Please refer to the "Language proficiency".
  • Three recommendation letter(s): three recommendation letters, including one from the applicant’s graduate program thesis adviser
  • Autobiography: autobiography and resume in English
  • Master’s thesis: Master's thesis written in English, or accompanied with an English translation of the full text or the abstract.
  • Academic publications: any published academic works or articles that might be supportive (written in English, or accompanied with an English translation of the full text or the abstract)
  • Research proposal: research proposal in English (including research topic, literature review, research method, and expected results, etc)
  • Study plan in English: including motivation of application, research direction, and self-evaluation of ability
  • Taiwan Scholarship Program Award Certificate: for applicants who meet the qualification (2) and have been awarded a Taiwan Scholarship
  • Proof of Chinese proficiency (supportive but not required): Proof of Chinese learning experience, or grade report and certificate of TOCFL Level 3 equivalent or above (supportive but not required)
Examination Date and Location
  • The location and date for Interview of the 2020 Fall Semester will be announced on the website of the department from Wednesday, March 18, 2020 to Friday, April 10, 2020
  • The location and date for Interview of the 2021 Fall Semester will be announced on the website of the department from Wednesday, November 18, 2020 to Wednesday, December 2, 2020
  • Admitted students are allowed to defer admission until the next academic year.
Department Information
Website http://www.deas.ntnu.edu.tw/main.php
Introduction The Department of East Asian Studies is the only such department of universities in Taiwan offering a complete educational system from undergraduate, master to doctor majoring in East Asian studies. This department focuses instead on the integration of multiple disciplines, with “culture and its application” and “political economy and regional development” as the centerpiece subjects. It has developed to be the teaching research unit for multi-disciplinary integrated professional talents and has been dedicated to providing systematical academic training to students majoring in East Asian studies. At the same time, the Department of East Asian Studies has established an exchange program with renowned foreign universities in Europe, America, Japan, Korea and many Southeast Asian countries offering courses in East Asian studies. Our undergraduate program aims to cultivate all-round talents in humanistic society field, and award graduates with Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degrees. Master's Degree Programs aim to cultivate professional talents with independent research and practical capacity, and award graduates with Master of Social Science (M.S.S.) degrees. Ph. D. Programs aim to cultivate professional talents majoring in senior humanities and social studies, and award graduates with Doctor of Social Sciences (Ph.D.) degrees.

Full-time faculty in this department possesses excellent educational experiences, abundant research capacity and high academic reputation, with the research topics covering cultural ideology & application, political economy & regional development. They have also presided over research projects subsidized by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) and their related collaboration with the industries. These researches have achieved fruitful results as well as attained first class standard in Taiwan.

The faculty in this department comes from diversified background. We also have Japanese and Korean teachers. Collectively, they provide students with complete teaching contents. Meanwhile, this department encourages students in the Undergraduate Program and Master Program to participate in the exchange program to East Asia, Europe and America so as to broaden their international perspective. Also, in view of the high percentage of foreign students in this department, students are able to learn cross-cultural differences from each other.
Features of Curriculum The Ph. D. Program aims to cultivate senior academic researchers with core courses that strengthen the cross-disciplinary quality and provide solid training on regional research. The Program targets at developing East Asian research and teaching features by focusing on two main areas, i.e. “culture and its application” and “political economy and regional development.” In terms of the course content design, the Program emphasizes 4 targets, namely, vision in East Asia, local practice, cross-regional integration and critical thinking, with the mission to cultivate senior academic talents equipped with theories, practical experience and globalization.

For more information regarding our Ph.D. program, please visit our website:
Career Prospects Further education and employment

[Further education]
Students can apply for the graduate programs of this department or related research institutions of this university or other local universities specializing in literary, history and philosophy or mainland research institutions specializing in politics, diplomacy, public affairs and national development.

(1) Become academic researchers in research institutes or think tanks specializing in sinology of East Asia, cultural application, political economy & regional development.

(2) Become administrative staff or public servants in governmental organs such as foreign affairs, culture, political economy, overseas Chinese affairs, and national development.

(3) Become professional journalists, editors, tourism operators, marketing personnel, corporate planning personnel, and professional managers.

(4) Become professional diplomatic translators or interpreters of Japanese, Korean, English or European languages.

(5) Become professionals in cultural industries and related creative industries as well as service industry.
Contact Information Ms You-Jhen Sie / 886-2-7749-5413 / yuichan@ntnu.edu.tw

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